GMROA Annual Meeting

On behalf of the Grassy Mountain Ranch Owner’s Association, and pursuant to Article III, Section 3, of the bylaws, you are hereby notified that an annual meeting of the Grassy Mountain Ranch Owner’s Association is to be held:

On:July 23, 2022
At:11:00 a.m.
Location:Meagher County City Library, 205 SW Garfield St, White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645

Attendance or our annual meeting for 2022 can be in person or virtually. We will be voting on the issues listed in the agenda. The Zoom Meeting link is:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 852 6273 3799
Passcode: 326539

Each Member entitled to vote or execute consents shall have the right to do so either in person or by an agent or agents authorized by written proxy executed by such person or the Member’s duly authorized agent and filed with the secretary of the Association (By Laws Grassy Mountain, Article III, paragraph 5).

If you intend to proxy your vote, please use the proxy form provided and mail to: Secretary GMROA C/O Greg Philpot, 129 Panorama Drive, White Sulphur Springs MT 59645.  All proxies must be received, by mail, before July 23rd.  Proxies will not be accepted at the annual meeting.  Any questions contact Greg Philpot (703) 597-4899,

Annual Meeting Agenda
11:00 a.m.Sign in
11:15 a.m.Review of 2021/2022 GMROA activities
11:30 a.m.2021/2022 Statement of Income and Expenses, Balance Sheet,  
11:45 a.m.2022/2023 Annual budget presentation/annual dues, discussion, and approval
12:15 p.m.   12:30 p.m.   1:00   p.m.    Vote for New Board of Members   Discussion and vote to abolish Grassy Mountain Fire District   Open Discussion

Thank you, Grassy Mountain Ranch Owners Association Board Members

October 16, 2021 Special Meeting

Notice of Special Meeting

On behalf of the Grassy Mountain Ranch Owner’s Association, and pursuant to Article II, Section 2, of the Bylaws, you are hereby notified that A Special Meeting of the Grassy Mountain Ranch Owner’s Association is to be held

On:October 16th, 2021
At:6:00 p.m.
Location:Meagher County City Library
205 SW Garfield St
White Sulphur Springs, MT 59645

*** Due to the current health concerns, if you prefer to not attend in person, a link will be provided prior to the meeting.  You will be required to state your name and lot number so we can record attendance at the meeting.

This special meeting is being called due to the recent resignation of several board members.  To hold an annual meeting new board members will need to be elected by the board to meet quorum, and to complete the annual budget.  These positions, other than the Board Member positions, will be for the remainder of the current office (Article VIII, Section 4, and Article VIII, Section 6).  If there are any expiring board positions available at the annual meeting, a vote will be held to fill those positions.

The Grassy Mountain Ranch Owners Association is currently seeking new board members for the following positions:

President, Vice President, Board Members

If you would like to be considered for any of the above positions, please email us at as soon as possible with your name, property address, phone number, and email address.  Please also refer to the information below regarding qualifications to serve on the board.

Article IV, Section 2.  Declarant shall mean and refer to YELLOWSTONE BASIN PROPERTIES, a Montana Corporation, its successors, and assigns. The Declarant is also referred to as the “Developer”.

Amendment to Article IV, Section 2.

Section 2 of ARTICLE IV is amended to read, in full, as follows: Qualifications and Term of Office. Each elected director must be a Tract Owner as defined in Article II. No more than one person in any single family may serve as a director at one time, regardless of the number of tracts owned by any member or members of a single family.  If more than one director is elected by the Owners, their terms will be staggered to expire on different years. All directors shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified.

Article II, Section 10

Owner shall mean and refer to the record owner, including Tracts owned by the Developer, whether one (1) or more persons or entities, of fee simple title to any Tract which is a part of the Property and is subject to this Declaration, including contract purchasers who have a possession interest pursuant to their contract to purchase, but excluding contract sellers or mortgagees or persons having such.  interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation.

**Please refer to the current bylaws, which can be found at

or contact the local county recorder for a copy.

Thank you,

Grassy Mountain Ranch Owners Association Board Members

February 18, 2021 Meeting

February’s monthly HOA meeting will be held virtually Thursday, February 8th at 6:30PM. If you would like to add an agenda topic, please contact us.

If you would like to have a topic included on the agenda, please let the board know ahead of time so it can be added to the document, or you can bring it up when we open the meeting for resident’s comments.

With recent discussions regarding the CC&Rs and ByLaws, you can find them here.

We will be hosting the meeting via Jitsi at the following link: A link will be provided soon.

If you prefer to call into the meeting instead of using your web browser or the Jitsi app, you can do so with the following information:
Dial-in: +1.512.647.1431
PIN: 1427 5914 39#

January 21, 2021 Meeting

January’s monthly HOA meeting will be held virtually Thursday, January 21st at 6:30PM. If you would like to add an agenda topic, please contact us:…/1Zs8SGR4hQ_euOMvk7_sctlWRQ3AQrbHk…

If you would like to have a topic included on the agenda, please let the board know ahead of time so it can be added to the document, or you can bring it up when we open the meeting for resident’s comments.

With recent discussions regarding the CC&Rs and ByLaws, you can find them here.

We will be hosting the meeting via Jitsi at the following link:

If you prefer to call into the meeting instead of using your web browser or the Jitsi app, you can do so with the following information:
Dial-in: +1.512.647.1431
PIN: 1427 5914 39#

Approved Meeting Minutes

October 15, 2020 Meeting

August’s monthly HOA meeting will be held virtually Thursday, October 15th at 6:30PM. If you would like to add an agenda topic, please contact us:…/1Zs8SGR4hQ_euOMvk7_sctlWRQ3AQrbHk…

If you would like to have a topic included on the agenda, please let the board know ahead of time so it can be added to the document, or you can bring it up when we open the meeting for resident’s comments.

With recent discussions regarding the CC&Rs and ByLaws, you can find them here.

We will be hosting the meeting via Jitsi at the following link:

If you prefer to call into the meeting instead of using your web browser or the Jitsi app, you can do so with the following information:
Dial-in: +1.512.647.1431
PIN: 1427 5914 39#

Approved Meeting Minutes

August 27, 2020 Meeting

August’s monthly HOA meeting will be held virtually Thursday, August 27th at 6:30PM. If you would like to add an agenda topic, please contact us:…/1Zs8SGR4hQ_euOMvk7_sctlWRQ3AQrbHk…

We will be hosting the meeting via Jitsi at the following link:

If you prefer to call into the meeting instead of using your web browser or the Jitsi app, you can do so with the following information:
Dial-in: +1.512.647.1431
PIN: 2759 4759 86#

Approved Meeting Minutes

June 18, 2020 Meeting

June’s monthly HOA meeting will be held virtually Thursday, June 18th at 6:30PM. As previously, the outline for the agenda is set but might still be modified some:…/1Zs8SGR4hQ_euOMvk7_sctlWRQ3AQrbHk…

We will be hosting the meeting via Jitsi at the following link:

If you prefer to call into the meeting instead of using your web browser or the Jitsi app, you can do so with the following information:
Dial-in: +1.512.647.1431
PIN: 2759 4759 86#

Approved Meeting Minutes